
Our constitution defines the way our organisation behaves with each other, with our members and with our local stakeholders.

We will adhere to the following principles to achieve our aims and ambitions:

  • We will encourage open discussion

  • Decisions will be made in a democratic manner

  • Priorities will be agreed and will be the key focus

  • Discussion and communication shall be respectful

  • Personal information and privacy will be protected

  • Communication will take place through official channels


To pursue our aims the group may:

  • Bring members together

  • Hold meetings

  • Engage other local stakeholders

  • Hold votes (physical or online) on key issues


Membership of the Group shall be open to all members of the local community in sympathy with the group’s aims and willing to abide by the groups behaviours and constitution.

 Each member shall have one vote and eligible to stand for the committee as long as  they meet the constitutional requirements.

The group will be inclusive of all members of the local community, non-discriminatory and apolitical

In exceptional circumstances membership can be refused or rescinded  by the committee if the member does not abide by the constitution and code of behaviour.

Management Committee

The membership shall elect a committee (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) plus additional posts for those with a specific interest e.g. planting, social events, fundraising.

The committee is elected for one year at an AGM. At the end of the year they will stand down and a new committee will be elected. Existing committee members may stand for re-election if they so choose.

The committee will meet on a monthly basis and engagement with the membership will take place on Fridays unless circumstances are exceptional.


One AGM plus a minimum of one other meeting per year will be held.

Extraordinary general meetings (EGM) can be held to address specific issues at the behest of the committee or 10 plus members.


  • The Group has no funds during the set up period

  • It is proposed that fund raising takes place to cover running costs

  • Any excess will be used at the discretion of the committee with member input

  • A statement of accounts will be available on request

  • There will be no financial benefit other than ‘reasonable expenses’.


 Any amendments to the constitution will be agreed by the Committee and the membership at an AGM