Our Actions

Together we identify, focus and campaign on the actions which will have the biggest positive impact.

For 2025 we propose:

To agree the type, scale, duration and frequency of events on both spaces based on legal advice

  • We are concerned by the increasing number of inappropriate commercial events that are being proposed.

  • We have reason to believe that these proposals contravene common land rights (both spaces are designated common land).

  • We have funding in place to obtain legal advice.

  • The legal advice will be based on the application of common land rights to both spaces.

  • The legal case will be presented to the Council

To oppose the Deed of Dedication for Eel Brook Common and Parsons Green in its current form

  • We support the principle to protect both green spaces in perpetuity.

  • We oppose the clause (3.2) which would permit enclosed events to cover up to 25 % of the available space on each common for up to 21 days with no permissions required.

  • We advise that members oppose this clause.

To agree a clearly defined maintenance programme with the Council for both Eel Brook Common and Parsons Green.

  • A general overview taking grass, planting, bio-diversity, weeds, trees, paths, litter collection, bins, benches, areas of heavy use, the children’s play area, the tennis and football courts, signage and railings into consideration.

  • A specific review of  the newly planted areas on the New Kings Road paving and the Effie Road entrance to Eel Brook Common (the cut-through to The Broadway) to ensure they deliver to plan.

 To win a Green Flag Award for Eel Brook Common

  • Judged and awarded on criteria of a welcoming, attractive, safe, environmentally sustainable and well- managed green space.

  • The Council will submit the application with our input.

  • Parsons Green has a Green Flag Award. We will continue to ensure that The Green continues to meet the award criteria.

To repair the lighting on Eel Brook Common

  • This is a safety issue as both areas are open at night.

  • Over 10 of the street lights are currently out of action on Eel Brook Common.


Priority actions to be discussed and agreed at the AGM.

We welcome input.